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Saturday, November 29, 2008

29 nov

hi guys.!
alright, lets start off with yestarday stuff and beforei start, the privious post which was friday over time liao i was typing out that post wanted to talk about thursday stuff but as a slow typer like me. without knowing the time slowly type out that post like nobody business.HAHA

no school. slack!!!
i met louis around 1 at commonwealth, good friend like me hard to find. LOL
i helped him bring back life vas back to dover ite.
Ah Lim, out teacher in charge, wanted all back thats why.
hhaaha chat with them awhile i went back to commonwealth for my hair cut. alot of peopl said that my hair no different. :(
around 6 went to tiong played basketball. 10 reached home and rest!!

training starts again.
report at 9, glad that it was a pretty light training. 1st training of a senior was great. too bad the new comer were girls -.-
anyway i also not going to do anything to them one. even the new comer are guys so somthing? hahaha
head back home and napp until now.
later meeting si ming at don know where.
end here byebye


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