Simple Blog, Simple Person, Simple Life!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

28 oct

hello!! yestday didnt blog cos im working at rama thai. LOL
i stayed at home whole day rotting and watching televistion hahahaha!!
im so nervous at work. dont know what to do. eh i work as waiter there and I DONT KNOW THE MENU AT ALL!! all i know was their shark fin soup :P
during work, they all THEY ALL!! were like workerhorlic! SIAO 1!
you know we need to help the customer pour tea for them, yah so everyone of us aim-ing at every customer's cups -.- then we need to pour for them AND THIS WAS VERY VERY STUPID! the boss keep looking at me, as if i never do work but they are too fast! they were fast not because of they were exprisrne. the customer havent finish their tea, they all go pour tea for them. -.- 5ml also happy. -.- What The Fuck....
i worst!!hey just pour-ed the tea and the customer havent even drink their tea i go pour tea for them again -.- just to let my boss SEE me working and not standing there doing nothing -.-
damn stupid i tell you guys.
lucky i only need to work for 4 hours. HAHAHA

today not school. hahaha
going to seahawk at 3 jackson doing something( don know what) no pay also. sian!!
after that training at dover ite.oh my god!! will comfrim be very tiring!
maybe blog again at night :D byebye


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