Simple Blog, Simple Person, Simple Life!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

23 oct

lets blog about yesterday.
school started at 12 -.-
listen to teacher talk for 4 hrs. im rotting in class, of course.!
went home and slack awhile then met kim peng. thats all for yesterday.
picture i dont have it. i will get it from kim peng and post it. let you people see our gay photo and laugh. -.-

today no school. HAHA don know why and i dont wish to know.
sometimes acting blur is a good way of excusing yourself to do something that you dont want :P:P shhh!!! HAHA
going training at 6, kallang, not at dover ite. why suddenly they wants to change? hiaz..

walao!! and my previous post everybody said my picture like fark -.- im so sad!!
maybe post again later at night. bye


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