Simple Blog, Simple Person, Simple Life!

Monday, November 24, 2008

hello everyone.. :D
its been awhile seen i last posted.
finally 26 SRR race over. we didnt win. hiaz... sad..
overrall it was a good exprieince (don know how to spell)
almost everyday before the race we keep training. very tiring. everytime during trainin i will like oh man!! pls!! give me a break.. but now. training stopped for the time being. somehow i miss the hell training i used to had :( sian sia. now i nothing to do at home, not used to it of course. now i can blog more offten? heheh
i think i spend sometime watch porn of something LOL shhi!!! tomorrow my test result will out. sian!! i did study abit but i know its not enough,. i just hope i pass! don know wat to blog. anyway took some pictures on the race day? haha

spot me! bottom right


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