Simple Blog, Simple Person, Simple Life!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

29 nov

hi guys.!
alright, lets start off with yestarday stuff and beforei start, the privious post which was friday over time liao i was typing out that post wanted to talk about thursday stuff but as a slow typer like me. without knowing the time slowly type out that post like nobody business.HAHA

no school. slack!!!
i met louis around 1 at commonwealth, good friend like me hard to find. LOL
i helped him bring back life vas back to dover ite.
Ah Lim, out teacher in charge, wanted all back thats why.
hhaaha chat with them awhile i went back to commonwealth for my hair cut. alot of peopl said that my hair no different. :(
around 6 went to tiong played basketball. 10 reached home and rest!!

training starts again.
report at 9, glad that it was a pretty light training. 1st training of a senior was great. too bad the new comer were girls -.-
anyway i also not going to do anything to them one. even the new comer are guys so somthing? hahaha
head back home and napp until now.
later meeting si ming at don know where.
end here byebye

Friday, November 28, 2008

27 nov

hi guys.
today test was normal. i think i did quite well? i guess i will just pass the test. :D
eh ya. after test went down to lucky plaza with andy, wanted to play pool but didnt bring IC and that bloodly cashier don allow us to play :(
so we walked all the was to near plaza sin that pool centre dont know whats that places called..
after that went home sleep like pig then went to fu nan with kim peng, find louis and slack. whos knows si han happened to be at fu nan. LOL
after louis ended his work. we head down to tiong and slack again.
thats all :D
i realised my life full of slacking HAHA thats life of a small kids? what do i expect? bye

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


yo hello everyone. tomorrow will mpc test. oh my god, until now i did not study!! hiaz..
gonna study after blogging.
eh yesterday didnt blog because i went to tiong and meet si han and pay him a sum of money? for the malaysia trip at coming dec. haha somehow kind of excited about it?
my mum only gave me 50 sin n so i got around 100 ring gate. anyway this trip is i want to go one. so i cant expect much from my mum anyway.
hope i still got extra money in my children's bank account LOL

todays lesson was like hell man. starting was pe. one of my flavour :D
after that was mpc lesson. damn boring.
our lesson started at 12 and ended around 3plus. 3 hrs plus of talking will kill man.. we! the ite students cant take this much of talking. haha.
i can tell the whole class wasnt listening to our teacher at all. i know i say this abit thick skin but its true!! i did listening and take notes :P but only for awhile :D HAHAHAHAh
when our teacher end the lesson and he said this ( thats all guys ) that prevert voice and chicky looks HAHAHA
the whole class were like WOOO OHH
head back home after lesson ends.

kind of excited about playing pool with andy tomorrow :D
ganna study now!
bye everyone

Monday, November 24, 2008

hello everyone.. :D
its been awhile seen i last posted.
finally 26 SRR race over. we didnt win. hiaz... sad..
overrall it was a good exprieince (don know how to spell)
almost everyday before the race we keep training. very tiring. everytime during trainin i will like oh man!! pls!! give me a break.. but now. training stopped for the time being. somehow i miss the hell training i used to had :( sian sia. now i nothing to do at home, not used to it of course. now i can blog more offten? heheh
i think i spend sometime watch porn of something LOL shhi!!! tomorrow my test result will out. sian!! i did study abit but i know its not enough,. i just hope i pass! don know wat to blog. anyway took some pictures on the race day? haha

spot me! bottom right

Saturday, November 15, 2008

15 nov

hello guys and girls. almost a week seen i last posted.
now adays rather busy and when i reached home i dont feel like using computer. sorry
my life was like training home study training home study training home study training home study. hahaha damn sian sia
next week regatta sia.. omg i not strong enough as my rowwing sucks like hell. i did try my best to imporve. i tried.. hiaz...
somehow im excited about that event.? haha i trained almost half a year.
exam coming and i still not studying hahaha sian my GPA comfrim very low again.. can pass then say.
i love one piece. haha very random..
yah thats all. mosty i don get to blog until the next week? hahaha rather busy. bye

Friday, November 7, 2008

7 nov

hello everyone. haha anyway just a few of u la. its odvious that not much people read my blog and i jus blog because i want it to.

nothing much to blog about today. hmm random stuff?
i so far only got 1 ex stead. relationship least about 19 months going to 20, we broke uup.
i loved her alot alot. i almost changed my everything for her. its like complete change of a person.
when we broke up, my heart felt like something like one big arrow peirce trough, its unbearable.
luckily she treated me good, when we were still together, so i don blame her.
now she's seeing another guy, after we broke up not long later. once i herad this news. really don know how to explain my pain.
sorry to say dragon boat training, i used it to ven all my anger in to in. i missed volleyball so much but im scare of going back. i scare i will see her again. hiaz..
life in ite was good. on and off will think of her. hiaz... my weak heart cannot take it.
so now i don really wish i get into relationship. somehow i still cant let go.
everyone may think im stupid.. but i really am.
last time u used to think it this way. only the strongest wins. losers are for weakling.
until now i know im still a weakling. bye

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

5 nov

lets start with yesterday stuff :)
went to school at 1 soo call working, in amber.
nothing to do-.- because not customer. seated down and chated with my classmate. waste of time!!
slack until 4 plus, wei don and i helped my classmates ferdric, jon and bari by washing the plates and pots for them -.-
they are representing ite in the tobascco thing? hahaha here are some picture i took

1st 3 pictures were from my class.

this from other class. looks good right?

after their training all this food cant go to the dustbin, so almost everything go to my stomach :P
tastes good sia!!

training was tiring of course. we don train weights. we test how strong we are. LOL my results were bad. don talk about it le. :( i think eat too much. :P
after training about 10 plus went to commonwealth mac with louis, ate big mac. so full! and so expensive!! went home bathed and sleep like a pig.

today went to school for revision for test tomorrow at 9!! so early. ended around afternoon. went home. slack, played computer and eat! LOL
evening, met gui xiang at the my house downstair, we played pool and went to queens close and chat for awhile. had a great time with him because its been awhile seen i last met him. hope he do well in his O-level. i think i end here. going to study for tml test. hiaz.. i think i will fail :( pretty girls come and kiss me :P:P

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

4 nov

hello everyone. didnt blog for like 2 days? lol!
anyway, also nothing much to blog about.
heheh. going to school for high tea session, training after that. sian!!!
somehow i keep forgeting about buying soya bean to you. don blame me ok? HAHAHA!

all are bastard. keep disturb me in my tag board. bastard.. your mother spoil ah~!!!!!
im so poor thing right? pretty girls give me a kiss! i will be happy again :D
i don like the both yolk innk

Saturday, November 1, 2008

hello! boys and girls.. HAHAHA
so bored now.. i staying at home rot-ing. :(
cos today i don feel like going to zoo with my si han they all. i find it a waste of money lor.
spend $15 looking at animal, what so fun about it? i rather used the money to eat or play also more meaningfull. am i right?
no training today because its fong ru's birthday. happy brithday fong ru! how old is he? i don know LOL
they celebrate his birthday at sentosa. i too lazy to go with them because somehow i not very close with them. so if i turn up. i will feel very extra. hiaz.. nvm.
intended to meet kim peng today for lunch but in the end never meet :( HIAZ.. damn sian sia
later going out with my mum to have dinner. haha. sian whole day never go anywhere beside going out with my mum.

yesterday! lesson end around 3 plus. cant go training because i never bring extra shirt along, so if i went back home and take? i will reach kallang around 4 plus going to 5. so might as well dont go. waste money and waste time. after school si ming came to my house for awhile and he went to find his girlfriend.
i went to to find kim peng and the others at tiong,eat, sleep, slack and! played bastket ball until 10 plus. heheh.

i wants to be strong, because i used to be a weakling. i dont want to be weak for my whole life..