Simple Blog, Simple Person, Simple Life!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

good morning!!!
i dont know what to blog... eh... so i guess i just anyhow post some pictures.. yah.. haha

yesterday training was damn damn tough!! god damn it... do cardio, run 2.4km and carrying weights until my legs and hand cramp like fuck.. after training, almost the whole team went to the nearest coffeeshop and ate at least 4 half boiled egg. ahaha susprise? im sick of egg already :( got to go bye :D


  • just a note:

    it's good to eat some protein immediately after a workout. but do note that eggs are high in cholesterol.

    One large egg has about 213 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol — all of which is found in the yolk. If you are healthy, it's recommended that you limit your dietary cholesterol intake to less than 300 mg a day. (source: mayo clinic, USA)

    if you're serious in bodybuilding, do your body a favour, get a tub of whey protein powder. it has higher quality protein than eggs minus the deadly cholesterol.

    good luck!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 3/26/09, 7:04 PM  

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